Up until several years ago, there were still sources that did not use the word Palestine for anything except to denote a geographical area for archaeological purposes.
For anyone who doesn't know, Palestine is NOT the name of a people or even a place. It does not naturally occur anywhere in history no matter how often the new historians try to assert that the palestinians are remotely connected somehow, to the Philistines of the ancient Old Testament.
The Philistines were a tall, fair skinned, sea people not even closely related to Arabs, and certainly not semitic. Sailors. whereas Arabs were notoriously backward as far as transportation was ever concerned. traveling mostly by camel in caravans never venturing outside of their natural boundaries until the advent of air travel. They have been historically lost in time, never fully realizing the 20th century, let alone the 21st.
A British archaeological team doing a paleolithic study of the land mass known as the Near East which encompasses nearly all of the Mediterranean areas, including the Arab Peninsula, shortened the name of their study to 'Palestine' so they wouldn't have to write 'PALEolithic STudy In The Near East' on every page of their report. It was then called *PALESTINE* For purposes of the report.
Now, unless you have access to older copies of the Britannica or outdated Archeaological textbooks, you can't even find the explanation for the word *palestine* which is not an actual word at all. It is shorthand. A compilation of words that *sounds* Biblical. It isn't and never was.
It was laid to rest in the mainstream world, but came into common usage as scribes tried to redefine Greek and Hebrew words in the Bible. Land that had long since undergone both physical and dynamic changes about which very little history was then known, was willy-nilly given the worthless shorthand name, *Palestine*.
The British and the Roman Church are both very much responsible for the promotion of this false history of *palestine* with some huge help from Hitler with whom the Arab nations threw their lot in the all out genocidal war against the Jews, indeed it was the Grand Mufti of Egypt who advised Hitler on The Final Solution. No secret, this, or that Y. Arafat is his kin.
So afraid were the Arabs that the Jews, who had been returning to their lands for centuries from all over the world, would someday overwhelm them and take back their country, that they only solution they ever sought was the wholesale slaughter of Jews wherever they might be found. Christendom has done likewise in its past and to great extent still abides it in the present. But both forsee the absolute death of Judaism as their final aim, regardless of the many protestations of the innocents of Christendom, whom we insist on calling *Righteous Gentiles,* those who see us as the faith from which their faith derived.
To be fair, it is an opposing viewpoint from the mainstream for which we are, and shall remain, most grateful. It does not apply to the majority of Christians, but G-d is infinitely choosy.
There is one slight difference in how the final outcome is perceived by these two entities, and neither bode well for righteous Jews.
Islam sees us as carrion. They believe our flesh should be fed to animals or worse, and I have even known of rituals wherein our flesh or our organs are eaten not only to proclaim their ultimate victory over us, but also to gain what supernatural knowledge they believe we possess.
(It is quite evident it didn't work. They are still stupid.)
Christianity sees us as heathen. Unsaved, therefore impure. After WWII they stopped trying to murder us physically, but it hasn't stopped them from trying to murder us spiritually. Their biggest scare tactic is almost laughable if they were not so deadly serious about it. If they understood us at all, even the most rudimentary knowledge of orthodox Judaism would let them know that their big stick is worthless and is far more funny than scarey.
Christians created hell. What's more, they created it for themselves to scare themselves into doing the right thing according to what some Pope decided was the right thing.
The Church has never done the right thing since it was founded on the rubble of the Roman Empire. It HAS succeeded in hellenizing most of the Western World, even as it has sought in its depths to justify and hide pedophilia which hearkens back to the ancient Roman dictates, not Judaic Law.
It has always been Judaic/Mosaic Law that both the Church and Islam have systematically tried to destroy.
Mosaic Law is absolute and absolutely moral
There are major differences in Mosaic Law and the law commonly put forth as The Ten Commandments by Christianity, and the subtle changes have so distorted common law, that what is irredeemable in the Lord's eyes, is legal, or at least acceptable, according to the laws of men.
Islamic Law is the Siamese Twin to Christianity although they seem, on the surface, as different as day and night, it is only illusion. The REAL difference between them is the primal *appearance* of Islam. If you go behind the curtain of the unwashed appearance of mainstream Islamics, you find robed and *crowned* clerics.
If you go behind the Polo shirts and white shirts and ties of mainstream Christianity, you find robed and *crowned* clerics.
Both hierarchies teach hatred of Jews, but in subtley different ways.
The only thing separating the two is that Christianity has traversed into modern times while Islam has remained in the Dark Ages.
So few Jews against so many who sought power through religious dominance which was mainly Christian, though not mainly Catholic, that racism and religious bigotry was rife throughout the modern world. Catholic Dogma had become so ensconced in even the most far fringes of Christianity, that the same attitudes prevailed.
It was *right* to consider anyone different as unworthy.
It was *right* to force Christianity on unwilling souls. If the unwilling couldn't be *taught* to see it their way, they were brutalized and eventually absorbed into mainstream Christianity. Many of their rituals and ceremonies were literally stolen and reformed to become part of the bizarre facade of Christianity.
After the holocaust of manifest Destiny, the genocide that seemed interminable here in the West, had finally come to a standstill with the abject defeat and subsequent subjugation of the Great Nations of North America, the American Revolution, paid for almost wholly by Jews seeking escape from Christian domination, saw the United States of America become the HOPE for Freedom for people all over the world. In regards to THIS, a post soon to follow, "The Impact of Christian Missionaries on the Northeastern American Indians," should shock you senseless.
I don't like the word *Indian* and they were not Americans either. But that will be explained.
Suffice it to say Christianity was begun by evil people for the most vile of reasons. And nothing has changed to this day.
Both Christianity and Islam have come onto our land, the land that was granted by Covenant to OUR Forefathers, and claimed our land as THEIR Holy land. Both of them are liars. Both of them have built grotesque monuments to mythical gods and brought blasphemy to our Holy Places.
We understand your covetousness. It must be a terrible thing to have nothing and nowhere of your own that you should be so jealous as to covet the ONE place on earth G-d was ever actually seen and heard by an entire people. That people wasn't either of you. It was ME and my family and my family before me. I can claim that. YOU can't ever, no matter how many external monuments to yourselves you build.
We sought not glory for ourselves, but when Solomen flaunted his kingdom and became a hedonist, G-d tossed him out on his duff. Anyone who thinks the Song of Solomen in any way connects Jesus with Israel or a bridegroom to a church, surely has not taken the time to read the thing. It is the tale of Solomen's fall from grace and the lesson we should all have learned. We SHOULD have learned that you can't play politics with people who hate you. You can't do deals with demons. And NO piece of land that G-d has given can be given away OR stolen. Even by those who think we think they are benevolent.
Solomen gave in to his basest instincts. He became a drunk and a womanizer taking whom he chose from amongst protitutes and servants and ignoring them when he was through. he looked the other way at abortion and abandoned his own children if he did not consider their mothers *worthy* of his attention.
Solomen allowed his wives to build temples to false gods and worship them on Holy Ground.
He carried on in drunken brawls and gang rapes.
Everything that the Lord admonished the People NOT to do, Solomen did.
Jerusalem became, more or less, a whorehouse for a man who could care less.
He defiled himself and defiled Israel, allowing us to become weak against our enemies who ignored their treaties with us, and Israel was defeated from within, the same way the hedonist left among us are trying to defeat us now.
The lessons of history should not be so perplexing if someone would only take the time to read it and understand.
For want of righteousness, we were scattered and our Temple was destroyed. For trusting our neighbors more than we trusted G-d, we were slaughtered like sheep. In every generation since Rome took power, we have been slaughtered like sheep. Unfortunately, you are trying to murder G-d itself, and you can't, won't ever. We brought the Law and gave it to the world. We know you don't like it, but it's too bad. It was a done deal before you fantasized your mythical savior and tried to foist a false god upon us. YOU might accept this convulsion of the most illogical garbage I have ever heard, but when has logic ever stopped the Church...or Islam? Both were founded by madmen and both for the same reasons.
The Church is Tyranny. Islam is Tyranny. Both are pathological. Both tell the most outrageous lies the world has ever heard to their believers and fools believe. so we are natural enemies because we see the truths you are so afraid of, and we always will be because you are both anti-G-D.
The symbols of each religion are both blasphemous and ungodly but are only surpassed by the fallacies used to rationalize their uses. Islam worships a moongod symbolized by a crescent moon. Very odd considering that the crescent moon was the ancient symbol of the Druids, a culture that was swallowed whole by the Church of Rome...and a star which symbolized the birth of the Christian Messiah.
An obvious mixture when you step back a bit and realize that the ancient practice of Islam was Pagan in nature, but extremely peacful...until the mad prophet, Muhammed. Where might you suppose his ideas of what a religion SHOULD be came from? Where do you suppose the innate cruelty of his religion had its birth pangs? Does the name Saul of Tarsus ring a bell?
Islam treats its believers with no respect, allows them to learn no truths, and murders them at will for whatever reason they might conjure up, makes up their laws as they go along.
The symbol of Christianity is one of hideous torture of a human being. You are told to drink his blood and eat his flesh. Even if it is purely symbolic, it is horrific. It TELLS you to do symbolicly what Islam actually does. Islam hasn't yet become sophisticated enough to practice symbolism, but it hasn't been so long that the church didn't practice bizarre tortures, most of which were for the same reasons Islam does them today. The sexual repression insisted upon by a church whose heirarchy was filled with womenhaters gave rise to every manner of male adrenaline producing response. Most of the torture in the Church was specifically aimed at young, pretty women, usually stripped naked for better effect, and it was more often a priest or Bishop who both ordered and directed the torture sessions. Cardinals were invited as some of the prettier women were considered special treats.
And then there was the jealousy between the hierarchy within the Church itself. There was Bishop Lucifer. A beloved Bishop in the mountains of Northern Germany, his parishioners adored him. he was kind and good and showed them a kind of respect that one shows to peers. Lucifer was not authoritarian enough, according to the Pope...going on reports from other bishops who were not so well loved. He was ordered to be more stringent in his duties and be more forceful with his punishments. He declined.
He found himself on trial in Rome and with other Bishops' testimonies against him, he was arrested, excommunicated, and finally tortured to death for being a heretic. His parishioners had become known as Luciferians, to a man of them, good Catholics, but to punish them for their loyalty to an excommunicant, Luciferians were deemed Satanists and it was for them the Malleus Malifecarum (Witch's Hammer,) came into being. When the church finished its grisly inquisition of the Luciferians a full 80% of them had been tortured to death for witchcraft.
To this day, Luciferians and Satanists are interchangeable words, though the Luciferians were never satanists.
"It has indeed lately come to Our ears, not without afflicting Us with bitter sorrow, that in some parts of Northern Germany, as well as in the provinces, townships, territories, districts, and dioceses of Mainz, Cologne, Tréves, Salzburg, and Bremen, many persons of both sexes, unmindful of their own salvation and straying from the Catholic Faith, have abandoned themselves to devils, incubi and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accursed charms and crafts, enormities and horrid offences, have slain infants yet in the mother's womb, as also the offspring of cattle, have blasted the produce of the earth, the grapes of the vine, the fruits of the trees, nay, men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, vineyards, orchards, meadows, pasture-land, corn, wheat, and all other cereals; these wretches furthermore afflict and torment men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, with terrible and piteous pains and sore diseases, both internal and external; they hinder men from performing the sexual act and women from conceiving, whence husbands cannot know their wives nor wives receive their husbands; over and above this, they blasphemously renounce that Faith which is theirs by the Sacrament of Baptism, and at the instigation of the Enemy of Mankind they do not shrink from committing and perpetrating the foulest abominations and filthiest excesses to the deadly peril of their own souls, whereby they outrage the Divine Majesty and are a cause of scandal and danger to very many. And although Our dear sons Henry Kramer and James Sprenger, Professors of Theology, of the Order of Friars Preachers, have been by Letters Apostolic delegated as Inquisitors of these heretical pravities, and still are Inquisitors, the first in the aforesaid parts of Northern Germany, wherein are included those aforesaid townships, districts, dioceses, and other specified localities, and the second in certain territories which lie along the borders of the Rhine, nevertheless not a few clerics and lay folk of those countries, seeking too curiously to know more than concerns them, since in the aforesaid delegatory letters there is no express and specific mention by name of these provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, and further since the two delegates themselves and the abominations they are to encounter are not designated in detailed and particular fashion, these persons are not ashamed to contend with the most unblushing effrontery that these enormities are not practised in these provinces, and consequently the aforesaid Inquisitors have no legal right to exercise their powers of inquisition in ovinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories, which have been rehearsed, and that the Inquisitors may not proceed to punish, imprison, and penalize criminals convicted of the heinous offences and many wickednesses which have been set forth.
Accordingly in the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, the abominations and enormities in question remain unpunished not without open danger to the souls of many and peril of eternal damnation. Wherefore We, as is Our duty, being wholly desirous of removing all hindrances and obstacles by which the good work of the Inquisitors may be let and tarded, as also of applying potent remedies to prevent the disease of heresy and other turpitudes diffusing their poison to the destruction of many innocent souls, since Our zeal for the Faith especially incites us, lest that the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories of Germany, which We had specified, be deprived of the benefits of the Holy Office thereto assigned, by the tenor of these presents in virtue of Our Apostolic authority We decree and enjoin that the aforesaid Inquisitors be empowered to proceed to the just correction,imprisonment, and punishment of any persons, without let or hindrance, in every way as if the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, yea, even the persons and their crimes in this kind were named and particularly designated in Our letters.
Moreover, for greater surety We extend these letters deputing this authority to cover all the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, persons, and crimes newly rehearsed, and We grant permission to the aforesaid Inquisitors, to one separately or to both, as also to Our dear son John Gremper, priest of the diocese of Constance, Master of Arts, their notary, or to any other public notary, who shall be by them, or by one of them, temporarily delegated to those provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and aforesaid territories, to proceed, according to the regulations of the Inquisition, against any persons of whatsoever rank and high estate, correcting, mulcting,imprisoning, punishing, as their crimes merit, those whom they have found guilty, the penalty being adapted to the offence."
(Gremper was the co-author of" Witch's Hammer.")
They are lately speaking in hushed tones in some circles, of using this old stand by against those practicing Wicca in some of the less civilized areas of the world, in the here and now. But they will not remove pedophiles in MORE civilized areas of the world. Now why is that?
The Church of Rome is a Great Deceiver, as are most of its representatives and they are leading you to death. Final, everlasting death. The first year in a Catholic Seminary is bent on destroying everything one ever believed in. The rest of the time is devoted to reprogramming braindead students to their paradigm, and teaching them to reprogram others. Most of the class work is psychologically related and never, never question. What's more, never let anyone else question either. Should anyone question, there are prompt accusations of faithlessness.
It took them almost a century to perfect their version of what a devil should look like. They adapted the Greek Pan, the musical imp with his hooves, and the Druid, Cernunnos, (The Horned god of fertility,) and the god Triton of the Sea with his trident turned pitchfork; all sexual symbols, IE., music, passion, and power. After years of renderings, they had finally designed an evil from human emotions which you are told are sins. They designed a hell in which recognizing your OWN inner beauty is the worst sin one can possibly commit.
Don't you ever wonder why you are not allowed to see beyond the walls? Has it ever occurred to you that the evil within this *Church* is so ugly, that if you ever see the beauty of truth that is without, they will lose you? So they must keep you ugly and small and unknowing. They must convince you that everything outside the church is tainted and ugly. The demon they designed for you is waiting if you try to leave so that it keeps you trapped and blind.
You MUST drink the blood. You MUST eat the flesh. You MUST bow before torture. And you MUST believe that you are not a child of G-d who was born into this world without sin and perfect. (It only took them TWO centuries to come up with that one.) And you MUST believe that some demigogue is holy enough to wash your sins away. So they make you pray to a spirit in order to commune with the Lord. A woman, no less, in the spirit of the Roman goddesses. and you don't even recognize the Pantheon when you support it every day.
Mother of G-D? Think about it.
For anyone who doesn't know, Palestine is NOT the name of a people or even a place. It does not naturally occur anywhere in history no matter how often the new historians try to assert that the palestinians are remotely connected somehow, to the Philistines of the ancient Old Testament.
The Philistines were a tall, fair skinned, sea people not even closely related to Arabs, and certainly not semitic. Sailors. whereas Arabs were notoriously backward as far as transportation was ever concerned. traveling mostly by camel in caravans never venturing outside of their natural boundaries until the advent of air travel. They have been historically lost in time, never fully realizing the 20th century, let alone the 21st.
A British archaeological team doing a paleolithic study of the land mass known as the Near East which encompasses nearly all of the Mediterranean areas, including the Arab Peninsula, shortened the name of their study to 'Palestine' so they wouldn't have to write 'PALEolithic STudy In The Near East' on every page of their report. It was then called *PALESTINE* For purposes of the report.
Now, unless you have access to older copies of the Britannica or outdated Archeaological textbooks, you can't even find the explanation for the word *palestine* which is not an actual word at all. It is shorthand. A compilation of words that *sounds* Biblical. It isn't and never was.
It was laid to rest in the mainstream world, but came into common usage as scribes tried to redefine Greek and Hebrew words in the Bible. Land that had long since undergone both physical and dynamic changes about which very little history was then known, was willy-nilly given the worthless shorthand name, *Palestine*.
The British and the Roman Church are both very much responsible for the promotion of this false history of *palestine* with some huge help from Hitler with whom the Arab nations threw their lot in the all out genocidal war against the Jews, indeed it was the Grand Mufti of Egypt who advised Hitler on The Final Solution. No secret, this, or that Y. Arafat is his kin.
So afraid were the Arabs that the Jews, who had been returning to their lands for centuries from all over the world, would someday overwhelm them and take back their country, that they only solution they ever sought was the wholesale slaughter of Jews wherever they might be found. Christendom has done likewise in its past and to great extent still abides it in the present. But both forsee the absolute death of Judaism as their final aim, regardless of the many protestations of the innocents of Christendom, whom we insist on calling *Righteous Gentiles,* those who see us as the faith from which their faith derived.
To be fair, it is an opposing viewpoint from the mainstream for which we are, and shall remain, most grateful. It does not apply to the majority of Christians, but G-d is infinitely choosy.
There is one slight difference in how the final outcome is perceived by these two entities, and neither bode well for righteous Jews.
Islam sees us as carrion. They believe our flesh should be fed to animals or worse, and I have even known of rituals wherein our flesh or our organs are eaten not only to proclaim their ultimate victory over us, but also to gain what supernatural knowledge they believe we possess.
(It is quite evident it didn't work. They are still stupid.)
Christianity sees us as heathen. Unsaved, therefore impure. After WWII they stopped trying to murder us physically, but it hasn't stopped them from trying to murder us spiritually. Their biggest scare tactic is almost laughable if they were not so deadly serious about it. If they understood us at all, even the most rudimentary knowledge of orthodox Judaism would let them know that their big stick is worthless and is far more funny than scarey.
Christians created hell. What's more, they created it for themselves to scare themselves into doing the right thing according to what some Pope decided was the right thing.
The Church has never done the right thing since it was founded on the rubble of the Roman Empire. It HAS succeeded in hellenizing most of the Western World, even as it has sought in its depths to justify and hide pedophilia which hearkens back to the ancient Roman dictates, not Judaic Law.
It has always been Judaic/Mosaic Law that both the Church and Islam have systematically tried to destroy.
Mosaic Law is absolute and absolutely moral
There are major differences in Mosaic Law and the law commonly put forth as The Ten Commandments by Christianity, and the subtle changes have so distorted common law, that what is irredeemable in the Lord's eyes, is legal, or at least acceptable, according to the laws of men.
Islamic Law is the Siamese Twin to Christianity although they seem, on the surface, as different as day and night, it is only illusion. The REAL difference between them is the primal *appearance* of Islam. If you go behind the curtain of the unwashed appearance of mainstream Islamics, you find robed and *crowned* clerics.
If you go behind the Polo shirts and white shirts and ties of mainstream Christianity, you find robed and *crowned* clerics.
Both hierarchies teach hatred of Jews, but in subtley different ways.
The only thing separating the two is that Christianity has traversed into modern times while Islam has remained in the Dark Ages.
So few Jews against so many who sought power through religious dominance which was mainly Christian, though not mainly Catholic, that racism and religious bigotry was rife throughout the modern world. Catholic Dogma had become so ensconced in even the most far fringes of Christianity, that the same attitudes prevailed.
It was *right* to consider anyone different as unworthy.
It was *right* to force Christianity on unwilling souls. If the unwilling couldn't be *taught* to see it their way, they were brutalized and eventually absorbed into mainstream Christianity. Many of their rituals and ceremonies were literally stolen and reformed to become part of the bizarre facade of Christianity.
After the holocaust of manifest Destiny, the genocide that seemed interminable here in the West, had finally come to a standstill with the abject defeat and subsequent subjugation of the Great Nations of North America, the American Revolution, paid for almost wholly by Jews seeking escape from Christian domination, saw the United States of America become the HOPE for Freedom for people all over the world. In regards to THIS, a post soon to follow, "The Impact of Christian Missionaries on the Northeastern American Indians," should shock you senseless.
I don't like the word *Indian* and they were not Americans either. But that will be explained.
Suffice it to say Christianity was begun by evil people for the most vile of reasons. And nothing has changed to this day.
Both Christianity and Islam have come onto our land, the land that was granted by Covenant to OUR Forefathers, and claimed our land as THEIR Holy land. Both of them are liars. Both of them have built grotesque monuments to mythical gods and brought blasphemy to our Holy Places.
We understand your covetousness. It must be a terrible thing to have nothing and nowhere of your own that you should be so jealous as to covet the ONE place on earth G-d was ever actually seen and heard by an entire people. That people wasn't either of you. It was ME and my family and my family before me. I can claim that. YOU can't ever, no matter how many external monuments to yourselves you build.
We sought not glory for ourselves, but when Solomen flaunted his kingdom and became a hedonist, G-d tossed him out on his duff. Anyone who thinks the Song of Solomen in any way connects Jesus with Israel or a bridegroom to a church, surely has not taken the time to read the thing. It is the tale of Solomen's fall from grace and the lesson we should all have learned. We SHOULD have learned that you can't play politics with people who hate you. You can't do deals with demons. And NO piece of land that G-d has given can be given away OR stolen. Even by those who think we think they are benevolent.
Solomen gave in to his basest instincts. He became a drunk and a womanizer taking whom he chose from amongst protitutes and servants and ignoring them when he was through. he looked the other way at abortion and abandoned his own children if he did not consider their mothers *worthy* of his attention.
Solomen allowed his wives to build temples to false gods and worship them on Holy Ground.
He carried on in drunken brawls and gang rapes.
Everything that the Lord admonished the People NOT to do, Solomen did.
Jerusalem became, more or less, a whorehouse for a man who could care less.
He defiled himself and defiled Israel, allowing us to become weak against our enemies who ignored their treaties with us, and Israel was defeated from within, the same way the hedonist left among us are trying to defeat us now.
The lessons of history should not be so perplexing if someone would only take the time to read it and understand.
For want of righteousness, we were scattered and our Temple was destroyed. For trusting our neighbors more than we trusted G-d, we were slaughtered like sheep. In every generation since Rome took power, we have been slaughtered like sheep. Unfortunately, you are trying to murder G-d itself, and you can't, won't ever. We brought the Law and gave it to the world. We know you don't like it, but it's too bad. It was a done deal before you fantasized your mythical savior and tried to foist a false god upon us. YOU might accept this convulsion of the most illogical garbage I have ever heard, but when has logic ever stopped the Church...or Islam? Both were founded by madmen and both for the same reasons.
The Church is Tyranny. Islam is Tyranny. Both are pathological. Both tell the most outrageous lies the world has ever heard to their believers and fools believe. so we are natural enemies because we see the truths you are so afraid of, and we always will be because you are both anti-G-D.
The symbols of each religion are both blasphemous and ungodly but are only surpassed by the fallacies used to rationalize their uses. Islam worships a moongod symbolized by a crescent moon. Very odd considering that the crescent moon was the ancient symbol of the Druids, a culture that was swallowed whole by the Church of Rome...and a star which symbolized the birth of the Christian Messiah.
An obvious mixture when you step back a bit and realize that the ancient practice of Islam was Pagan in nature, but extremely peacful...until the mad prophet, Muhammed. Where might you suppose his ideas of what a religion SHOULD be came from? Where do you suppose the innate cruelty of his religion had its birth pangs? Does the name Saul of Tarsus ring a bell?
Islam treats its believers with no respect, allows them to learn no truths, and murders them at will for whatever reason they might conjure up, makes up their laws as they go along.
The symbol of Christianity is one of hideous torture of a human being. You are told to drink his blood and eat his flesh. Even if it is purely symbolic, it is horrific. It TELLS you to do symbolicly what Islam actually does. Islam hasn't yet become sophisticated enough to practice symbolism, but it hasn't been so long that the church didn't practice bizarre tortures, most of which were for the same reasons Islam does them today. The sexual repression insisted upon by a church whose heirarchy was filled with womenhaters gave rise to every manner of male adrenaline producing response. Most of the torture in the Church was specifically aimed at young, pretty women, usually stripped naked for better effect, and it was more often a priest or Bishop who both ordered and directed the torture sessions. Cardinals were invited as some of the prettier women were considered special treats.
And then there was the jealousy between the hierarchy within the Church itself. There was Bishop Lucifer. A beloved Bishop in the mountains of Northern Germany, his parishioners adored him. he was kind and good and showed them a kind of respect that one shows to peers. Lucifer was not authoritarian enough, according to the Pope...going on reports from other bishops who were not so well loved. He was ordered to be more stringent in his duties and be more forceful with his punishments. He declined.
He found himself on trial in Rome and with other Bishops' testimonies against him, he was arrested, excommunicated, and finally tortured to death for being a heretic. His parishioners had become known as Luciferians, to a man of them, good Catholics, but to punish them for their loyalty to an excommunicant, Luciferians were deemed Satanists and it was for them the Malleus Malifecarum (Witch's Hammer,) came into being. When the church finished its grisly inquisition of the Luciferians a full 80% of them had been tortured to death for witchcraft.
To this day, Luciferians and Satanists are interchangeable words, though the Luciferians were never satanists.
"It has indeed lately come to Our ears, not without afflicting Us with bitter sorrow, that in some parts of Northern Germany, as well as in the provinces, townships, territories, districts, and dioceses of Mainz, Cologne, Tréves, Salzburg, and Bremen, many persons of both sexes, unmindful of their own salvation and straying from the Catholic Faith, have abandoned themselves to devils, incubi and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accursed charms and crafts, enormities and horrid offences, have slain infants yet in the mother's womb, as also the offspring of cattle, have blasted the produce of the earth, the grapes of the vine, the fruits of the trees, nay, men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, vineyards, orchards, meadows, pasture-land, corn, wheat, and all other cereals; these wretches furthermore afflict and torment men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, with terrible and piteous pains and sore diseases, both internal and external; they hinder men from performing the sexual act and women from conceiving, whence husbands cannot know their wives nor wives receive their husbands; over and above this, they blasphemously renounce that Faith which is theirs by the Sacrament of Baptism, and at the instigation of the Enemy of Mankind they do not shrink from committing and perpetrating the foulest abominations and filthiest excesses to the deadly peril of their own souls, whereby they outrage the Divine Majesty and are a cause of scandal and danger to very many. And although Our dear sons Henry Kramer and James Sprenger, Professors of Theology, of the Order of Friars Preachers, have been by Letters Apostolic delegated as Inquisitors of these heretical pravities, and still are Inquisitors, the first in the aforesaid parts of Northern Germany, wherein are included those aforesaid townships, districts, dioceses, and other specified localities, and the second in certain territories which lie along the borders of the Rhine, nevertheless not a few clerics and lay folk of those countries, seeking too curiously to know more than concerns them, since in the aforesaid delegatory letters there is no express and specific mention by name of these provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, and further since the two delegates themselves and the abominations they are to encounter are not designated in detailed and particular fashion, these persons are not ashamed to contend with the most unblushing effrontery that these enormities are not practised in these provinces, and consequently the aforesaid Inquisitors have no legal right to exercise their powers of inquisition in ovinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories, which have been rehearsed, and that the Inquisitors may not proceed to punish, imprison, and penalize criminals convicted of the heinous offences and many wickednesses which have been set forth.
Accordingly in the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, the abominations and enormities in question remain unpunished not without open danger to the souls of many and peril of eternal damnation. Wherefore We, as is Our duty, being wholly desirous of removing all hindrances and obstacles by which the good work of the Inquisitors may be let and tarded, as also of applying potent remedies to prevent the disease of heresy and other turpitudes diffusing their poison to the destruction of many innocent souls, since Our zeal for the Faith especially incites us, lest that the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories of Germany, which We had specified, be deprived of the benefits of the Holy Office thereto assigned, by the tenor of these presents in virtue of Our Apostolic authority We decree and enjoin that the aforesaid Inquisitors be empowered to proceed to the just correction,imprisonment, and punishment of any persons, without let or hindrance, in every way as if the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, yea, even the persons and their crimes in this kind were named and particularly designated in Our letters.
Moreover, for greater surety We extend these letters deputing this authority to cover all the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, persons, and crimes newly rehearsed, and We grant permission to the aforesaid Inquisitors, to one separately or to both, as also to Our dear son John Gremper, priest of the diocese of Constance, Master of Arts, their notary, or to any other public notary, who shall be by them, or by one of them, temporarily delegated to those provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and aforesaid territories, to proceed, according to the regulations of the Inquisition, against any persons of whatsoever rank and high estate, correcting, mulcting,imprisoning, punishing, as their crimes merit, those whom they have found guilty, the penalty being adapted to the offence."
(Gremper was the co-author of" Witch's Hammer.")
They are lately speaking in hushed tones in some circles, of using this old stand by against those practicing Wicca in some of the less civilized areas of the world, in the here and now. But they will not remove pedophiles in MORE civilized areas of the world. Now why is that?
The Church of Rome is a Great Deceiver, as are most of its representatives and they are leading you to death. Final, everlasting death. The first year in a Catholic Seminary is bent on destroying everything one ever believed in. The rest of the time is devoted to reprogramming braindead students to their paradigm, and teaching them to reprogram others. Most of the class work is psychologically related and never, never question. What's more, never let anyone else question either. Should anyone question, there are prompt accusations of faithlessness.
It took them almost a century to perfect their version of what a devil should look like. They adapted the Greek Pan, the musical imp with his hooves, and the Druid, Cernunnos, (The Horned god of fertility,) and the god Triton of the Sea with his trident turned pitchfork; all sexual symbols, IE., music, passion, and power. After years of renderings, they had finally designed an evil from human emotions which you are told are sins. They designed a hell in which recognizing your OWN inner beauty is the worst sin one can possibly commit.
Don't you ever wonder why you are not allowed to see beyond the walls? Has it ever occurred to you that the evil within this *Church* is so ugly, that if you ever see the beauty of truth that is without, they will lose you? So they must keep you ugly and small and unknowing. They must convince you that everything outside the church is tainted and ugly. The demon they designed for you is waiting if you try to leave so that it keeps you trapped and blind.
You MUST drink the blood. You MUST eat the flesh. You MUST bow before torture. And you MUST believe that you are not a child of G-d who was born into this world without sin and perfect. (It only took them TWO centuries to come up with that one.) And you MUST believe that some demigogue is holy enough to wash your sins away. So they make you pray to a spirit in order to commune with the Lord. A woman, no less, in the spirit of the Roman goddesses. and you don't even recognize the Pantheon when you support it every day.
Mother of G-D? Think about it.